
At a moment when our society is reckoning with systemic racism, 性骚扰和日益严重的不平等, 社会学从未像现在这样重要. 你是否对社会工作感兴趣, 刑事司法, 公共政策, 青年辅导, 或者社区发展, 我们为你准备了一个地方和一条路.


在太平洋, you will have the opportunity to learn through experience by interning or working with professional sociologists. That gives our program an added dimension that many larger programs do not provide. Our students are very active in campus and community organizations, 丰富他们作为社会学专业学生的经验.


You have the option to earn your Bachelor of Arts degree in three years. Do your part to stay on track, and you could shave a year off your undergraduate work. That means significant savings on tuition and you get a jumpstart on your career.


拉希拉对社会学的热情是个人的. She has wanted to be a medical social worker ever since her family was helped by a social worker when her grandmother was sick. 现在拉希拉想为其他家庭做同样的事情.

现实世界的 经验

You will have many chances to be active both on and off campus, where your interpersonal skills are put to use in various ways. Our department will help you find experiential learning opportunities —usually off campus—where you can intern with professionals in related fields including social work, 法律, 退伍军人服务和刑事司法. 这些实习可以帮助你更好地确定你的职业目标, 有时甚至会在你选择的领域找到工作.

Our students are very active in campus and community organizations, 丰富他们作为社会学专业学生的经验. 两位最近的校友, 布兰迪·斯宾塞(11年)和格温多林·普里默斯(13年), have each founded non-profit organizations working with Stockton youth. Several more alums have developed such a strong affiliation with student life that they have gone on to careers in student affairs.

  • The social and political implications of 性别 differences in America
  • 偏见和种族主义对我们社会的影响
  • The ways in which individual identities are shaped by the social world around us
  • The ways our food preferences are shaped by politics, economics and culture.

作为一个社会学专业的学生, you will get to know your fellow major (and minor) students in a number of ways, from the courses you take to the social and professional networking opportunities that you will discover outside of the classroom.

Class activities and exercises deliberately connect students to each other, 到学院项目, and even to local alumni who appear in class to discuss what they are doing with 社会学. Field trips and field work will also deepen students' connection to their work and strengthen the bonds between students.

社会学专业的学生在校内外都很活跃, 他们的“人际交往能力”在哪里以各种方式发挥作用. A few examples of activities our students have been involved in include:

  • 帮助社会上的弱势青少年
  • Writing training manuals dealing with ethnic sensitivity for our local court system
  • Gathering and analyzing data in nationally funded community surveys
  • Presenting their own re搜索 at professional meetings like the Pacific Sociological Association
  • Working to em权力 student groups on campus to reach out and connect in socially meaningful ways with 当地社区

Pacific now offers a BA in Sociology with a 刑事司法 concentration, 一个能让你从事社会公正改革的学位, 政府的政策, 法庭系统或惩教系统. The 社会学 major with the 刑事司法 concentration is designed for students who are interested in social justice and want to help transform communities, especially those that have been affected by mass incarceration. 职业的例子包括帮派预防, family support within the corrections system and community-oriented policing.

Pacific student volunteer wearing t-shirt that says, "Be part of the solution".


Since 社会学 is such a broad field, there is really no end to what you can do with the degree. Our students graduate with the ability to map out social structures; discovering the ways in which race, 性别, 权力, 经济价值决定了社会.

  • We examine social processes like deviance, social mobility and community building.
  • We explore alternatives and evaluate social solutions to problems like poverty, racism and crime.
  • We try to figure out ways we all can more effectively and equitably interact with one another while maintaining social order or mapping social change.

Our majors enjoy challenging careers in areas as diverse as 刑事司法, 法律, 新闻, 社会服务, 城市规划, 政府, 教育, 项目, 当地社区, 和业务. Some students choose to prepare for graduate study and become professional re搜索ers and teachers in our field.

Some students choose to prepare for graduate study and become professional re搜索ers and teachers in our field.


  • 北加州第一位拉丁裔警察局长
  • 华盛顿特区的一位灾难应对规划专家说.C.
  • A social worker dealing with problems of aging populations in Los Angeles
  • An associate working with a national civil rights organization
  • An advocate for the Cambodian League for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights

“当我开始学习社会学的时候, 我爱上了更多地了解我们周围的世界, 文化以及文化如何影响我们的行为. And that led to my 性别 studies minor and learning more about how we identify and the importance of identifying.”


“太平洋给了我走出去的机会, 探索不同组织如何运作, 离开加州去看看这个世界, 这真的激励了我更多地参与进来.”



社会学文学士/Master of 公共政策混合项目
社会学文学士,刑事司法方向/Master of 公共政策混合项目

Pacific and McGeorge School of 法律 now offer an accelerated pathway to a Master in Public Policy. You will major in 社会学 and minor in 公共政策 to earn a bachelor of arts degree in three-and-a-half years. 如果你达到了GPA要求, you are guaranteed admission to McGeorge where you can earn your master's degree in a year-and-a-half.

McGeorge was the first 法律 school to offer a master's degree in 公共政策. The program offers a foundation in 法律 and focuses on developing the quantitative analytical skills used in formulating 公共政策.



